IIS Interstate Insurance Services Thank you for voting us one of your Favorite Insurance Agencies and Casey Illingworth one of your Favorite Insurance Agents in Jasper County! It's an honor to serve you! Newton Office 111 First Avenue West 641-792-7316 Baxter Office 102 North Main Street 916-741-7008 SM-NE5653008-1122 www.iisnewton.com IIS Interstate Insurance Services Thank you for voting us one of your Favorite Insurance Agencies and Casey Illingworth one of your Favorite Insurance Agents in Jasper County ! It's an honor to serve you ! Newton Office 111 First Avenue West 641-792-7316 Baxter Office 102 North Main Street 916-741-7008 SM - NE5653008-1122 www.iisnewton.com