Pit Stop Liquors GETTING YOU ON YOUR WAY Thanks for voting Pit Stop one of the BEST LIQUOR STORES in Jasper County COLDEST Convenient Drive Thru Window BEER IN Wine, Energy Drinks, Mixers, Liquor, Ice, Pop, Snacks, E-Cigs & More. TOWN! Walk-In Beer Cooler 1324 1st Ave. W. Newton 641-275-9035 pitstopliquors.com Find us on Pit Stop Liquors Welcome Pit Stop Liquor is located on the North side of the road. Pit Stop Liquors GETTING YOU ON YOUR WAY Thanks for voting Pit Stop one of the BEST LIQUOR STORES in Jasper County COLDEST Convenient Drive Thru Window BEER IN Wine , Energy Drinks , Mixers , Liquor , Ice , Pop , Snacks , E - Cigs & More . TOWN ! Walk - In Beer Cooler 1324 1st Ave. W. Newton 641-275-9035 pitstopliquors.com Find us on Pit Stop Liquors Welcome Pit Stop Liquor is located on the North side of the road .